Global Awareness Month at Park April 2024

"How Could We Have Heard...?"

Get a greater glimpse at how God is working through our Global Partners by reading about Amy's visit to a nearby village in Southeast Asia. 
The father whose family we stayed with in one of the villages was sharing one night about how he had recently stopped smoking. Though there are graphic pictures on each cigarette box warning people of the dangers of smoking, this father only realized the truth of those warnings when his health began to suffer. Seizing the opportunity, we shared the story about how Adam and Eve were given instructions meant for their good, but in their pride they chose what looked good in their own eyes. The father was immediately drawn in by the story and wanted us to continue; he even recorded as the story was read so that he could hear it again later.

When we asked him if he'd ever heard the story before, his response was a stunning reminder to me personally of why we're here. He said humbly, "How could we have ever heard this story if no one has ever come here to tell us before?" The next day we watched a large portion of the Jesus Film in their local language, and the family soaked in each word and event. Though the work is far from complete, in our short trip there we got to share some with this family about the One they've been thirsting for. Not only that, the doors were also opened for our other teammates who live in that area to follow-up in the future and continue sharing with them about the true Living Water. 

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