Global Awareness Month at Park April 2024

Reading Resources

Want to learn more about global ministry and how you play a part in it? Check out our resources below!

Prayer Apps and Devotionals

YouVersion Five-Day Reading Plan

God wants to use you to help bring the Gospel to all peoples and nations. Your part matters. Follow the five-day reading plan to learn more. 

Unreached Peoples of the Day

Pray with Joshua Project for Unreached People Groups everyday  and learn about the history, statistics, and ways to pray for UPGs. 

Priority 100 Prayer

Pray with Frontiers for the peoples and places who have little to no access  to the gospel through daily prayer prompts. 

Looking for Something Specific?

The Park Community Church Global Library is located at Park Near North. Let us know if you're interested in a specific topic—we may have a book you can borrow!

Suggested Reading

Check out some of our favorite books to grow in your knowledge of global ministry.
When Everything is Missions
Denny Spitters and Matthew Ellison
When Helping Hurts
Steve Corbett